Thursday, April 1, 2010

Introduction 2

Last Monday, my lecturer showed the class a geography blog done by a few classmates. When he showed Safiah’s blog, I noticed it was about Singapore Malay culture and where the Malays originated from. After seeing the blog, my lecturer told us that to do a perfect blog, we must have interesting topics to work on.

I remember when I first came to Singapore, a guy on the plane asked me about Melaka nyonya and baba history. I could not answer him because I had no information on them. After checking up their history and culture, I have an interested in them. I would like to start a blog to write about them.

I went to Melaka twice, once, when I was nine years old and the second time when I was seventeen. The first time I was totally ignorant about the nyonyas ant the babas, their origin and their culture. It was a start then because the second time I was in Melaka, I was more curious and began to ask around about their customs, food and dressing. I was interested in the way spices were used in the food. In the Melaka museum, I saw a lot of their household wares and clothes on exhibit but I didn’t have any in-depth history about them.

From now on, I will write about them in the blog. If you are interested in them, please read about them in my blog.

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